Study: Perception of Human Augmentation

This survey will approximately take 5 minutes. By clicking the button below, you acknowledge that your participation in the study is voluntary, you are at least 18 years of age, and that you are aware that you may choose to terminate your participation in the study at any time and for any reason.

This study explores how augmented humans are perceived in everyday life. Augmented humans are people whose abilities are supported or extended by something artificial such as technologies.Recent technological advances already allow individuals to enhance their perception, senses, or physical strength. But, we still need to build an understanding of how the presence of such individuals are perceived by society. Therefore, we invite you to participate in an online survey about Human-augmentation and how augmented humans are perceived in everyday life.

Attention! Before you start the study, you must read the following scenario.

In the following section, you will be presented with one scenario. Please read the scenario carefully. Try to put yourself in the described scenario.

Michael went out for lunch with friends to a coffee shop. A man with an artificial eye, with whom Michael is not acquainted, enters the coffee shop and joins the group. Michael is introduced to this person. During the chat, the man tells them that he replaced some of his healthy body parts and replaced them with improved artificial ones: an artificial eye to augment his vision beyond the normal range. Artificial legs to run faster and jump higher than ordinary humans. Additionally, he got a brain implant to think faster and have more memory than ordinary humans. Shortly after that, everyone else leaves, with only Michael and the man with the artificial eye remaining alone together at the table. Michael has 15 minutes to wait for his ride home.

Please answer all questions spontaneously. There are no wrong answers.

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human is intimidating. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human would conform to the traditions of society. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human would do something cruel. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human suffering through their augmentation should get help. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human would be dangerous. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human is a threat to society. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human has to disclose their augmentation. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human is in full control of what they do. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human is just an instrument of something or somebody else. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human does things without any intention. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


The actions of the augmented human does not match their intentions. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human is not the author of their own actions. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]


An augmented human is more competitive than a non-augmented human. Scale: [1. Not at all, 7. Very much]

Demographic Questions


What is your age in years?


With which gender do you identify ?


Country of origin - Click to select a country


Country of recidence - Click to select a country


Do you have mobility limitations? 

The word mobility generally refers to walking or moving about. It also includes people who use wheelchairs.


Do you have any visual impairment(s)?

Please define the level of impairment, from non-existent (No) to complete impairment (Not being able to see). The usage of glasses classifies from Mild to Severe depending on the specific condition.


Do you have any hearing impairment(s)?

Total hearing loss and partial hearing loss or hard of hearing?

Do you have any cognitive impairment(s)?

Cognitive disabilities affect a person’s ability to learn, process and/or remember information, communicate, or make decisions. 

These include learning disabilities, intellectual disability, or specific cognitive abilities (such as memory or language processing)


How high do you rate your knowledge and skills related to digital technologies? Scale: [1. Very low, 7. Very high]


Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich